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  • Department of the Air Force pushes fitness testing to Jan. 1

    To continue minimizing close contact among personnel during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and ensure units and personnel are fully ready to resume, testing has been delayed from October to January, and testing in January will move forward without obtaining waist, height and weight measurements.

  • The science of mind and body: A successful combination for one Airman

    When Dalton McIntire was a freshman in high school, he spent a lot of time lifting weights in his school’s gym. For him, it was a way to increase stamina, strengthen his workout routine, and further build on his abilities on the baseball field. It wasn’t until about four years ago after he enlisted

  • No gym, no weights, no problem!

    As the battle against COVID-19 goes on, more and more military members have found themselves working from home in efforts to flatten the curve and maintain mission readiness. Between the unavailability of gyms and trying to maintain social distancing, it can be hard to stay fit, another vital

  • Air Force releases grooming, fitness guidance during COVID-19

    In a message to Airmen March 31, Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, Air Force deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel and services, explained installation commanders have the authority to adjust standards as needed, while also encouraging Airmen to maintain grooming and fitness standards to the greatest