Control and Reporting Center (CRC)

Current as of March 20, 2023

The Control and Reporting Center (CRC) is a mobile, scalable, ground-based, integral element of the AF theater air control system (TACS), providing persistent battlespace awareness (BA) and tactical battle management command and control (BMC2). It consists of tailorable, modular equipment, and is manned by maintenance, operations, and support personnel. As a weapon system, the CRC employs in support of air, ground, and surface operations across the full range of military operations (ROMO) in an assigned theater battle management area (BMA). The CRC is also adept at interfacing with elements of the joint theater air ground system (TAGS).

The CRC comprises of six subgroups of systems to include computing, sensor, power and environmental, communications, and training simulation elements that provide the BA and BMC2 capability supporting the Joint Force Air Component Commander or Combined Force Air Component Commander (JFACC/CFACC).