ACC Unit Checklist

1. Event approval: Requires SAF/PA or ACC/PA approval (unless excepted by AFI 11-209, figure A2.1)

2. Coordinate event requests with your unit PA and Wing Commander (CC).  Written wing CC approval/coordination is required prior to ACC processing your participation approval. 

3. Participation approval for static displays: Wing Commander. 

4. Participation approval for normal flyovers: ACC/A3T is the approving authority. Units should obtain unit PA and wing CC approval; and send detailed requests to ACC Aerial Events Branch (ACC/A3TA) NLT 7 duty days prior to the event for ACC/A3 approval processing. The Wing CC is responsible for compliance with Air Force Instruction 11-209, and the ACC Supplement.  Any other than normal must be submitted to ACC/A3 for approval. 

5. Work on details to support event. 

6. Check with the ACC Aerial Events Scheduler or with  ACC/A3TA for the status of your flyover approval. 

7. Coordinate final details with event sponsors once approved. 

If you are in doubt about any of the above procedures, please contact ACC/A3TA directly and we will help. For your planning purposes, consider all of the following as separate procedures: 

1. USAF Thunderbirds: Must start the procedure 2 calendar years prior -- contact SAF/PA, complete DD Form 2535 by July 1st and inform ACC/PA that you are having an air show and requesting the Thunderbirds, so ACC/PA can prioritize ACC bases for Thunderbird support; 

2. Single-Ship Demonstration Team (scheduled by ACC Aerial Events Branch): Must request NLT the dates listed on our Aerial Events Scheduling Process link.

3. Other ACC Flyovers or Static Displays: Contact ACC units directly NLT 60 days prior to the event and after SAF/PA approval of DD Form 2535. 

Point of Contact 
HQ ACC/A3TA, Aerial Events Branch, 205 Dodd Blvd., Ste. 101, Langley AFB, VA 23665-2789. E-mail: Commercial: 757-764-8346; DSN 574-8346.