The Air Combat Command F-16 Viper Demonstration Team at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., performs precision aerial maneuvers to demonstrate the unique capabilities of one of the Air Force's premier multi-role fighters — the F-16 Fighting Falcon. The team also works with the Air Force Heritage Flight Foundation to create a unique demonstration of the U.S. Air Force's past and present, exhibiting the professional qualities the Air Force develops in the people who fly, maintain and support these aircraft.

Team Imagery


2021 F-16 Viper Demo/Heritage Flight Schedule

Photo of Maj Garrett Schmidtz  

Maj. Garret Schmitz

Photo of MSgt Braden  

MSgt Brandon Baden

 Email:  F-16 Viper Demo Team Email


The team's F-16CM Fighting Falcon, affectionately known as the "Viper," is a single-seat, multi-role fighter with the ability to switch between an air-to-ground and an air-to-air role at the touch of a button. With its lightweight frame and powerful General Electric engine generating 31,000 pounds of thrust, the F-16 can fly at speeds in excess of Mach 2. 

F-16 Fact Sheet
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   ACC F-16 Demo Team Patch 

Aerial Events Staff

ACC Aerial Events is the ONLY scheduling point of contact. Please do not contact the demo/Heritage Flight teams directly.

HQ ACC/A3TA, Aerial Events Branch
205 Dodd Blvd., Ste. 101
Langley AFB, VA 23665-2789

(757) 764-8346, DSN 574-8346

Webmaster: Mr. Steve Bultman
757-225-9274, DSN 575-9274



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