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  • Airman’s dreams come true: His story

    Dreams come true everyday. For Airmen, some want to travel the world, some want to become a general and others want to have a family. Dreams, however, do not happen on their own. It requires sacrifice, dedication and working smarter and harder than you have before. This truth stares each of us in

  • May 18 is Armed Forces Day

    Nations around the world honor their military forces with an Armed Forces Day. In the United States, the celebration is held the third Saturday in May.

  • ‘Toro’ grabs Viper Demo by horns

    Gen. Mike Holmes, commander of Air Combat Command, certified Maj. Garret “Toro” Schmitz as a demonstration team pilot following an aerial performance, May 16. Schmitz is tasked with commanding the F-16 Viper Demonstration Team through their 2019 and 2020 seasons as they perform at approximately 40