823d BDS maintains airborne proficiency

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Daniel Snider and Staff Sgt. Ryan Callaghan
  • 23d Wing Public Affairs
Airmen from the 823d Base Defense Group conduct static-line jumps from an HC-130J Combat King II, Sept. 16, 2016, at the Lee Fulp drop zone in Tifton, Ga. The 823d BDS is a part of the 820th Base Defense Group, which is the expeditionary Air Force's only worldwide deployable, first-in, self-sustaining force protection capability. Airmen from the 820th BDG are required to jump periodically to maintain their proficiency. During a static-line jump, the jumper is attached to the aircraft via the 'static-line' which automatically deploys the jumpers’ parachute after they’ve left the aircraft.