Unnamed, but never unappreciated Published Nov. 30, 2011 By 2nd Lt. David Liapis 366th Fighter Wing Public Affairs MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, Idaho -- Sometimes the most important events in life go unnoticed by everyone except those few individuals involved, and this night was no exception. My wife and I headed to labor and delivery at Mountain Home AFB's hospital at two o'clock in the morning in hopes of having a healthy baby by dawn. What happened shortly after we arrived and were escorted to a room was not what anyone expected. The sterile hall that was silent and empty moments earlier erupted with shouting and the pounding of boots. "We've got a baby to save! We need help in here!" shouted a female medic. This particular medic spent the next 30 minutes running from room to room collecting necessary items, calling for assistance from the technicians and giving clear directions until the mother and baby were rapidly wheeled into the operating room where an emergency cesarean section was performed. No more than half-an-hour after the commotion started, a baby's life had been saved and a mother's worst nightmare had been averted thanks to the quick thinking, skilled action and appropriate intensity of the hospital staff. Due to patient privacy laws and the humility of the medical professionals, very few will ever know this amazing event happened recently in the middle of a cold night on a small Air Force base in Southwestern Idaho. What's the point of writing this? Two reasons. The first reason is to highlight the life-saving actions of a small group of military professionals that would otherwise go unknown - a situation that most military personnel find themselves in. All too often the outstanding, life-impacting efforts of our brothers and sisters in arms goes unnoticed. The second reason is to shine the spotlight on the professionalism and skill possessed by our military personnel. You better believe my wife and I felt good knowing the well-being of our baby was so important to the labor and delivery staff. The intensity and purpose exhibited by the entire staff, and especially of the one female medic mentioned previously, left no Air Force core value undemonstrated. Later that morning after the excitement of the night's events had subsided, another baby entered this world - a baby whose father will ensure she knows about, and is appreciative of, all the unnamed individuals who were there to make sure she came into this world safe and sound. We will never know the names of all the service members who go to work every day and perform their duties with the skill and professionalism inherent to the U.S. military. We will never know the extent of the sacrifices made by every veteran as they accomplish tasks that would only be noticed if left undone. In spite of the fact that most of the deeds performed by unnamed heroes every day go unnoticed, they will never go unappreciated.