Motorcylce Saftey: It's Everyone's Responsibility Published Dec. 19, 2014 By Col. Lawrence A. Nixon Air Combat Command Safety JOINT BASE LANGLEY-EUSTIS, Va. -- My fellow Airmen, As some of you may know, Air Combat Command Safety recently conducted an in-depth analysis of five years of fatal motorcycle mishaps across the Air Force. During this timeframe, 79 Airmen lost their lives while operating motorcycles. One thing to note is 63% of the accidents occurred as a result of speeding, alcohol use and violating DoD maximum daily travel distance rules. Of these, the leading non-compliance items were excessive speed greater than 20 MPH above posted speed limit, alcohol intoxication above the legal limit and illegal drug use. So far this fiscal year, ACC has suffered five motorcycle fatalities. Compared to last year, where we lost only one member of our ACC family, this is a significant increase. While these latest mishaps are still under investigation, preliminary information indicates willful noncompliance continues to be a factor in several of the incidents. Our Airmen are continuing to lose their lives by not following established guidance. During this holiday season, we need your help with ensuring our Airmen operate motorcycles in a responsible manner. This includes accomplishing the proper training, using personal protective equipment and obeying all laws. The Check 3 Risk Management (RM) tool can also assist us all in addressing gear, plans and skills (GPS), which will help Airmen avoid poor judgment and bad decision-making for motorcycles and other activities. With the holiday season now in full swing, I personally want to thank you all for your assistance and leadership in helping eliminate willful noncompliance motorcycle mishaps. I am confident that with your dedication to being a good wingman and guiding fellow Airmen to make responsible choices, we will all return ready for 2015.