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  • U.S. Air Force hydrazine team train Chilean Airmen

    A U.S. Air Force hydrazine Mobile Training Team traveled to Los Condores Air Base, Chile, to conduct classroom instruction and hands-on training with Chilean Air Force fuels technicians.Hydrazine is a back-up fuel used in F-16 Fighting Falcons that allows a pilot to regain control in the event of an

  • Air advisors teach Colombian air force to ‘Help Itself’

    The 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron (MSAS) recently conducted a Building Partnerships Capacity (BPC) mission in Bogota, Colombia.The 17-member mobile training team (MTT), including members of the Wyoming Air National Guard and the Colorado Air Force Reserves, executed a four-week joint

  • Air Advisors conduct first-ever BPC mission in Costa Rica

    The 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron recently conducted their first-ever AFSOUTH mission to the Central American country of Costa Rica. The nine member team, executed a three-week building partnership capacity mission with the air vigilance service, of SVA, from May 16 through June 9, 2018.