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  • 20th FW CP trains for expeditionary future

    The brain only functions as well as the system designed to carry its messages. On any given installation, there is a team of vigilant Airmen trained to be experts in dispersing vital communication to every single member of their mission.

  • For the Love of Aviation: 191st AMXS Father, Son Deploy Together

    Editor’s Note: This is three of a three part series about family members deployed to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar together. As children, many boys aspire to be like their fathers, or at minimum make their father’s proud, which could manifest as good grades or being a star athlete; however, one senior

  • Gamblers double down at Red Flag 20-2

    Viper engines begin to roar, adding to the cacophony of sounds already playing. Airmen circumnavigate the jets quickly to preform final takeoff checks while pilots wait their turn to taxi onto the runway.

  • The Military Child in the midst of a pandemic

    The Month of the Military Child is celebrated during April. It highlights the importance of these children in the lives of their families and the communities they grow up in.