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  • International Defense Collaboration Soars at Exercise Global Eagle

    United States, United Kingdom, and Norwegian forces to put their combined skills to the test in a series of rigorous training scenarios aimed at enhancing interoperability, mission readiness, and strategic relationships during Exercise Global Eagle. While the entirety of the events spanned much of

  • Team Moody conducts HH-60W sling load training

    The 347th Operations Support Squadron conducted sling load training with the HH-60W Jolly Green II helicopter at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, Aug. 29, 2024. The 41st Rescue Squadron, 820th Base Defense Group, and 824th Base Defense Squadron worked together to relocate cargo from one austere

  • MRX tests 93 AGOW, 23 WG integration

    The 820th Base Defense Group conducted a mission readiness exercise at Grand Bay Bombing and Gunnery Range near Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, and Avon Park Air Force Range, Florida, Aug. 23-27.

  • Air Advisors conduct first-ever BPC mission in Costa Rica

    The 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron recently conducted their first-ever AFSOUTH mission to the Central American country of Costa Rica. The nine member team, executed a three-week building partnership capacity mission with the air vigilance service, of SVA, from May 16 through June 9, 2018.

  • IQT molds BDG Airmen

    Approximately 35 Airmen from the 820th Base Defense Group (BDG) participated in Initial Qualification Training (IQT), March 26-28, here.The training is given to all new Airman coming into the BDG as an opportunity to learn a baseline of basic combat skills that would be needed to successfully