May 20, 2024 20th Anniversary of Sky King Rescue On April 16, 2004, the 41st Rescue Squadron and Pararescuemen from the 38th Rescue Squadron fought bad weather and faced enemy surface-to-air threats to save the lives of five U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook aircrew who had crashed in a sandstorm on the desert plains of Iraq.
May 4, 2023 Whiskey inbound The 55th Rescue Squadron at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base received their first HH-60W Jolly Green II helicopter, also known as the whiskey model, May 3, 2023.
March 27, 2023 Personnel Recovery Airmen test JT-JUMPR during Red Flag New York Air National Guardsmen from the 101st Rescue Squadron and 102nd Rescue Squadron, 106th Rescue Wing, are more prepared to deploy after taking part in Red Flag-Nellis 23-2, March 12-24.
July 29, 2022 48th RQS human performance optimization Human performance optimization is a program the Air Force implemented as a support system for those with the most physically and mentally taxing jobs. With the support of the 355th Medical Group, the 48th Rescue Squadron HPO flight is able to keep its pararescuemen, combat rescue officers and combat
April 12, 2022 Welcome to the jungle: Special warfare Airmen acclimate to Indo-Pacific environment Moody Air Force Base’s pararescuemen are special warfare operators charged with the responsibility of rescuing personnel all over the world. As such, it’s vital they familiarize themselves with all types of environments. The 38th Rescue Squadron’s Blue Team recently traveled to Wahiawa, Hawaii to