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Tag: force development
  • AFPC hosts Squadron Commander Course

    After a six-year hiatus, the course was reinstituted in January and redesigned to provide new and sitting squadron commanders a first-hand opportunity to learn about key issues and processes about AFPC’s key programs and processes for talent management and care for Airmen and families.
  • Civilian leadership program accepting nominations through May 1

    The Air Force’s senior civilian career broadening program, CSLP is for General Schedule 13 to 15 (and equivalent) employees and is designed to enhance competencies and characteristics required to grow executive leadership that drives results, serves customers, and builds successful teams and coalitions. Eligible Air Force civilians may apply for fiscal 2020 Civilian Strategic Leader Program experiential assignment opportunities through May 1 using MyVector.
  • AF civilian tuition assistance increases course limits

    Air Force officials have raised the course limit for civilian tuition assistance from one course per semester or quarter to two courses for fiscal year 2018.