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  • The Jolly Green step into new course

    Since 1994, the U.S. Air Force and Army have worked together at Fort Eustis to train new maintainers on the HH-60 helicopter, in a relationship that has been a great benefit to both services. With the arrival of the new Sikorsky HH-60W Jolly Green II Combat Rescue, the Army and Air Force platforms

  • AF helicopter ‘hard crew’ formula improves cohesion, mission

    In the realm of team sports where expectations and the stakes to win are high, teams rely on continuity and chemistry to maximize their effectiveness and propel them to the top. Utilizing a similar game plan, operating as a ‘hard crew’, a team of Moody’s HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter aircrew recently

  • Airmen partner toward quicker deployments

    Rescue Airmen from the 23d Wing visited the Devil Raiders of the 621st Contingency Response Wing (CRW), to better understand the essential assets to stand up rescue operations from bare-base situations.Although the 23d Wing’s mission to organize, train, equip and maintain combat-ready for Air Combat