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  • From flip phone to smart phone: AWACS gets an upgrade

    The first fully qualified crew under the new crew design for the E-3 G Airborne Warning and Control System reached their deployment location in September 2020. The first fully qualified crew under the new crew design for the E-3 G Airborne Warning and Control System reached their deployment location

  • Air Force awards contract for improved Female Body Armor

    The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Female Fitment Program Office awarded a contract to begin production and development for body armor designed to better protect female Airmen during combat and contingency operations.

  • Chief of Staff of the Air Force visits 552nd ACW

    The Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. David L. Goldfein, visited the 552nd Air Control Wing on June 8 to gain a better understanding of financial and mission impacts due to COVID-19. Goldfein received several broad mission briefs of Tinker Air Force Base including the Air Force Sustainment

  • Air Force confirms Wright Patterson AFB to host F-35 support organization

    Outgoing Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson has confirmed the selection of Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio to host the F-35 Hybrid Product Support Integrator (HPSI) Organization.The decision confirms completion of the strategic basing process which in December 2018 identified