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  • 386th Contracting Works Behind the Scenes

    Within the first couple of weeks the 386th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron starting their deployment, the Noncombative Evacuation Operation was initiated, which called the contracting office into action over the next couple of months.

  • Defenders protect ASAB from drones

    The 386th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron works within the Wing Operations Center at Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait, to monitor and detect the area around the base to protect service members from possible drone threats.

  • DoD Civilian Trio Backs ASAB with Vital Support

    Steven Liddy is the inspector general assigned to the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing IG, the first civilian to hold that title in an AEW. Liddy, along with two other civilians, Fernando Brown, the 386th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron community services flight commander and Thomas Bradley, the

  • Coalition forces strengthen close air support capabilities

    U.S. Air Force tactical air control party (TACP) Airmen deployed to the 82nd Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron, along with the U.S. Army 1st Battalion 194th Armor Regiment joint fires observers (JFOs) in-training, and the Italian air force (Aeronautica Militare) Task Group Typhoon