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Tag: 552d Air Control Wing
  • Air Force Secretary announces Tinker home for B-21 Raider maintenance

    Tinker Air Force Base has been selected as the maintenance hub for the B-21 Raider — a new Air Force bomber expected to be delivered in the mid-2020s. Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson announced the decision Nov. 16 in a media opportunity at the base. She said Tinker AFB was selected because of its experience and expertise in large aircraft maintenance and the quality of its workforce.
  • Photos: ACC Commander Gen. Mike Holmes visits Tinker

    Commander Air Combat Command Gen. James Holmes gave high-fives and fist-bumps to the members of the 965th Airborne Air Control Squadron as they lined their hallways for his visit Nov. 1. Holmes visited the 552nd Air Control Wing's operational and maintenance groups to gain a better perspective of flying unit operations, working environments and