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  • First all-Reserve AEW stands up for Patriot Fury in Peru

    In late June 2023 a contingency response team, a group of Airmen specifically tasked with setting up an airfield, landed at Chiclayo and began to establish the basis of what would be required to stand up the first entirely U.S. Air Force Reserve air expeditionary wing (AEW), to support 12th Air

  • Red Tails conduct Exercise Oktober Fist 2022

    The 332d Air Expeditionary Wing conducts a training exercise designed around Agile Combat Employment at a forward operating site (FOS), from September 27-28, 2022. Exercise Oktober Fist, designed around Agile Combat Employment, displayed the 332d Air Expeditionary Wing’s ability to rapidly mobilize

  • Air Force ICTs make a comeback

    While A-10 Thunderbolt IIs fly high above the desert mountains, U.S. Air Force maintainers and crew chiefs from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base await the airframe’s arrival on the flight line below, anticipating the workload to come. After their touch down, the A-10s taxi to their respective sun shades