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  • Shaw performs as core wing during Red Flag-Nellis 23-2

    The 20th Fighter Wing (FW) recently deployed to participate in Red Flag-Nellis (RF-N) 23-2, marking the wing's first deployment there since 2021. This iteration of RF-N 23-2 enabled the 20th FW’s more inexperienced combat aviators to have outstanding training opportunities, all while allied partners

  • Swedish Air Bosses participate in Red Flag-Nellis 22-2, exchange information

    The Swedish Air Force provided a vital role to the 414th Combat Training Squadron’s Red Flag-Nellis 22-2 with two air bosses. Their participation promotes interoperability between friendly forces and the exchange of information for both future Red Flag exercises and the Swedish Arctic Challenge

  • Red Flag 21-2 underway at Nellis

    The 57th Wing’s 414th Combat Training Squadron (CTS) conducts Red Flag exercises to provide mission commanders, maintenance personnel, ground controllers, and air, space and cyber operators the opportunity to experience realistic combat scenarios in preparation for future warfare.

  • Colombian Air Force supports US Navy Growlers for premier air-to-air combat

    The Colombian Air Force is supporting the U.S. Navy during the U.S. Air Force-led air-to-air combat exercise Red Flag. The Colombian Air Force brought their Multi-Mission Transport Tanker Jupiter 767 to refuel the U.S. Navy’s EA-18G Growlers for the duration of the exercise. The Colombian MMTT