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  • Women celebrate a rich history of resiliency

    For 100 years, women and their allies worked to obtain equal rights. They deployed radical campaigns, hunger strikes, and picketing at the White House. On Aug. 26, 1920, they achieved a major victory. The 19th Amendment was signed, prohibiting the government from denying the right to vote based on

  • Air Force transitions from CVR Teams to more secure systems

    Beginning June 15, Commercial Virtual Remote (CVR) Teams will no longer be an option within the Air Force, and all information stored in that system will go away. As the CVR environment goes away, the Air Force network version of Microsoft Teams – a separate application with slightly different

  • For some, working from home brings neck and back pain

    “There’s no place like home” may be an appropriate sentiment for people who favor working from the comfort of home during the novel coronavirus pandemic. However, it doesn’t ring true for those teleworkers who are feeling more pain than comfort because their home office leaves much to be desired.“I

  • Summer Health Hazards

    Summer is a great time to be outside and enjoy the weather. Awareness of summer health hazards can help you prevent potential injuries and discomfort. Here’s how you can protect yourself and others, and enjoy the summer fun.

  • Air Force cancels 2020 Marathon, offers virtual option

    Numerous scenarios were explored to produce an event that was safe for all and met the high event standards. All scenarios led the marathon team to conclude the event would be unable to proceed in a manner that participants have come to expect.