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  • Shaw AFB leads the way with MCA course

    The MCA course provided 20th FW Airmen of various ranks from career fields such as maintenance, civil engineering and administrative services, a thorough training in support of the ACE model.

  • SNCOs: Mentor Future Commanders!

    “More is caught, than taught.” This common colloquialism rings true for individual development. Regardless of your tenure in the Top 3, if you have just sewn on master sergeant, or are a chief master sergeant hitting high year tenure, senior NCOs shape tomorrow’s joint leaders. We set the example

  • AF helicopter ‘hard crew’ formula improves cohesion, mission

    In the realm of team sports where expectations and the stakes to win are high, teams rely on continuity and chemistry to maximize their effectiveness and propel them to the top. Utilizing a similar game plan, operating as a ‘hard crew’, a team of Moody’s HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter aircrew recently