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  • Preserving fighter pilot readiness through preventative care

    Preventive wellness programs are key to ensuring the longevity of a pilot’s career. During their day-to-day operations, fighter pilots undergo significant surges in G-force, which increases their likelihood for injuries. Ultimately, this can affect their ability to stay in the cockpit – decreasing

  • A coin for everyone

    Resiliency plays a huge role in Airmen’s ability to succeed in their Air Force careers. Without the assistance of numerous helping agencies across the base, Airmen would not be equipped with the tools they need to cope during difficult times.

  • Airmen improve PFA scores, promote culture of fitness

    A heavy emphasis has been placed on health factors affecting Service member’s ability to pass the PFA. The nation as a whole has allocated more research and funding than ever before to target obesity and sedentary lifestyles. Recent data shows approximately eight percent of military members