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  • 23d MDG enables 15th ASOS mission

    The 23d Medical Group partnered with the 15th Air Support Operations Squadron to expedite the medical clearance process for Airmen at Fort Stewart, Georgia.One 23d MDG flight surgeon and medical technician performed flight physicals for 15th ASOS tactical air control party specialists, enabling the

  • 20th MDG realigns squadrons for more efficient medical care

    The 20th Medical Group held a change of command and redesignation ceremony, July 18. During the ceremony, the 20th Dental Squadron was deactivated and the 20th Aerospace Medicine Squadron was redesignated as the 20th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron

  • JBLE hosts medical equipment summit

    The Air Combat Command Surgeon General Office hosted the Manpower and Equipment Force Packaging Summit at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, June 4, 2019. Members from various U.S. Air Force major commands attended the summit to view demonstrations and capabilities that may boost efficiency in the