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  • Physical therapy technicians rehabilitate Weasels

    After an injury, military members have to face potential stressors like what to do about their physical training test, how to accomplish tasks at work without hurting themselves further, as well as how to recover and prevent further injury. Physical therapy technicians assigned to the 20th Medical

  • Medical Airmen work to improve efficiency in patient care in Afghanistan

    Medical professionals at the Craig Joint Theater Hospital at Bagram Airfield are working to make positive impacts during their deployment so future patients and providers can benefit. The current trauma resuscitation documentation and data collection process in Afghanistan is very similar to the

  • JB Langley surgical team goes 'purple'

    A joint surgical team comprised of three separate branches assembled at U.S. Air Force Hospital Langley at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, in December 2018 to perform an operation.Consisting of a Navy surgeon, Air Force nurse, and Army technician, the team was organized to perform a functional

  • Life-saving act molds Airman’s future

    Three years ago, Tech. Sgt. Julian Tayag was closing the pharmacy for the duty day with his wingman when tragedy nearly struck. Three years later, this event would culminate in his acceptance into the Interservice Physician Assistant Program.