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  • AFTAC uses technology to execute Change of Command

    The Air Force Technical Applications Center here underwent a change of command, employing modern-day technology to accomplish long-standing traditions. Col. Chad Hartman relinquished command to Col. Katharine Barber as 16th Air Force commander Lt. Gen. Timothy Haugh served as the presiding officer

  • Cyber Evolution: 16th Weather Squadron

    The 16th Weather Squadron is leading the way, reorganizing to become the 557th Weather Wing’s dedicated software and innovation squadron, a move that will generate new insights on environmental intelligence for combatant commanders around the globe. When complete, the reorganization will reinforce

  • Made with love in Australia by a 2nd WS Airman

    A 2nd Weather Squadron Airman stationed in Australia is crafting hope in her local community in the midst of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Staff Sgt. Kalynn Mitchell, a 2nd WS solar analyst at Learmonth Solar Observatory in Exmouth, Western Australia, is using her sewing machine and fabric from a

  • Air Force Information Warfare’s new warfighting unit activates

    The 616th Operations Center was activated here during a ceremony Monday. The new OC integrates the 625th OC, including Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance operations with the 624th OC, including cyber operations. Lt. Gen. Timothy D. Haugh, Sixteenth Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) commander,