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  • Red Flag 22-2: Thunderbolts lead the way

    During the Vietnam War, the United States Air Force lost more than 1,700 aircraft and thousands of aircrew, sparking an immediate need to better prepare aircrews for combat. After the war ended in 1975, the Air Force established an air-focused exercise called Red Flag where aircrews could simulate

  • Tyndall’s Hololab debuts as virtual gateway to Installation of the Future

    The Digital Twin Hololab went live yesterday at Tyndall AFB to showcase the base’s digital transformation as part of Installation of the Future efforts. These cutting-edge planning concepts and innovative technologies will be integrated across the base and enable numerous capabilities for the

  • Swedish Air Bosses participate in Red Flag-Nellis 22-2, exchange information

    The Swedish Air Force provided a vital role to the 414th Combat Training Squadron’s Red Flag-Nellis 22-2 with two air bosses. Their participation promotes interoperability between friendly forces and the exchange of information for both future Red Flag exercises and the Swedish Arctic Challenge

  • 557th ERHS completes 300 acre munitions storage area expansion

    Airmen from the 557th Expeditionary Red Horse Squadron formally celebrated a munitions storage area expansion during a ribbon cutting ceremony here, March 16, 2022. The 300 acre project broke ground in September of 2021 and was executed by a team of 45 total force Airmen, according to Capt. Ericka