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  • PTSD, What You Should Know

    According to the National Center for PTSD-Department of Veterans Affairs, PTSD is a mental health issue that one may develop after witnessing or experiencing a life-threatening event such as a natural disaster, combat, sexual assault, or car accident. They also specify that anyone can develop PTSD

  • A coin for everyone

    Resiliency plays a huge role in Airmen’s ability to succeed in their Air Force careers. Without the assistance of numerous helping agencies across the base, Airmen would not be equipped with the tools they need to cope during difficult times.

  • OneSource, family and spouse programs still available

    The Department of Defense is closely monitoring the impact of the coronavirus on service members, their families and survivors. Resources offered through Military OneSource, the Military and Family Life Counseling program, and the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program continue to serve

  • Commentary: watching out for lost wingmen

    6,079. That’s the number of veteran suicides for 2016, the most recent year reported. In some ways it’s just a random number and hard to put into any type of perspective. In many ways it’s sobering, sad, disturbing and disappointing. There will probably never be answers for the question of why