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  • Keep safety in mind as summer ends

    The long Labor Day weekend marks the traditional end of summer and offers many service members, civilians and their families the final opportunity to take to the highways and byways for a summertime adventure. Emphasis on managing risk is key, not only for a holiday weekend that historically

  • Safe + Sound Week - Take the challenge

    Join in the Challenge! The Department of the Air Force partners with OSHA in Safe + Sound Week each August. Safe + Sound is a nationwide event to raise awareness about workplace safety. Safe + Sound Week is August 9-15, 2021.

  • Summer water safety; tragedy can be avoided

    Summertime is heading our way, and with the warm weather, more adventures abound. Whether you are into boating, swimming, kayaking, or paddle boarding, there will be water hazards.

  • Risk Management - the key to a safe and enjoyable summer

    The Department of the Air Force reminds Airmen and Guardians to apply sound risk management when enjoying outdoor and recreational activities with family and friends this summer. The summer focus period runs from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.

  • DAF kicks off 2021 Fall Prevention Focus

    For the eighth year, the Department of the Air Force is partnering with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration during the National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls being held May 3-7. The DAF theme for this year’s focus is “Make a Difference in Fall Prevention.” The theme incites every