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  • Third Annual Spring Motorcycle Focus Kick-off

    The third annual Spring PMV-2 Focus, will be held from March 21- May 21, 2021, is intended to highlight motorcycle safety and ensure all Air Force military riders know the requirements. The Motorcycle Unit Safety Tracking Tool (MUSTT) and Unit Motorcycle Safety Representative (MSR's) are vital in

  • Protecting our nation’s sacred symbol

    The bald eagle, or Haliaeetus leucocphalus, is one of the most well-known symbols of the United States of America. The bird of prey’s features when fully grown include a wingspan of roughly six to seven and a half feet, bright yellow beak and famous white feathered head. Recently, this living

  • A safe unit is a ready unit

    The Air Force Combined Mishap Reduction System (AFCMRS) is a safety culture survey tool that allows commanders to assess the safety of their units by anonymously surveying member’s attitudes and perceptions. This provides a baseline for their safety culture from which to find hidden safety risk,

  • Risks for Air Force Riders

    The Air Force Safety Center took a look at common risks riders experienced over the past 10 years that resulted in mishaps. These risks can be used as lessons learned or food for thought for all riders.

  • Staying safe and healthy all summer

    As the summer months wind down, leadership at all levels advocate for the continued health and safety of our Airmen and Space Professionals on and off duty. The Air and Space Forces top five leaders continued the conversation with a recently released memorandum encouraging vigilance in combatting