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  • VCSAF meets with nuclear scientists, engineers about future operations

    Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Stephen W. “Seve” Wilson paid a visit to the Air Force Technical Applications Center here Dec. 4 to meet with nuclear scientists and engineers about their role in global nuclear deterrence and nonproliferation. The purpose of the visit was to give the visiting Air

  • Local ’16 valedictorian recruited by AFTAC as nuclear data analyst

    Through the Palace Acquire Program, the Air Force Technical Applications Center here recruited a recent University of South Florida undergraduate to work as a nuclear data analyst in the center’s Ciambrone Radiochemistry Laboratory. Victoria Scira joined the AFTAC team in June 2019 after graduating

  • Experts from AFTAC travel to Georgia for STEMversity

    In an effort to foster the betterment of underserved minority middle and high school students, members of the Air Force Technical Applications Center here traveled to Georgia recently to serve as mentors at STEMversity.Dr. Andrew Giminaro, a nuclear forensics analyst for the nuclear treaty

  • International, technical partnership continues to flourish

    Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Preparatory Commission executive secretary, Dr. Lassina Zerbo, traveled from his headquarters in Vienna to meet with Air Force Technical Applications Center commander, Col. Chad Hartman, in Florida July 25 to discuss modernization of the National