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Tag: Moody Air Force Base
  • THUNDER: 74th EFS receives Gallant Unit Citation

    The Air Force awarded the Gallant Unit Citation (GUC) to the 74th Fighter Squadron (FS) during a ceremony, March 14, 2019, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. Gen. Mike Holmes, commander of Air Combat Command, presented Airmen from the 74th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron (EFS) with the GUC for the unit’s heroic efforts while deployed in support of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE (OIR). “The Gallant Unit Citation is the second highest honor that can be bestowed on an Air Force unit,” said Holmes. “How many … have lived up to that since we created it? You’re the fifth one – it’s quite an award and it’s something you can be really proud of as a team.”
  • Air Force announces adult, youth artists of the year

    The Air Force Services Activity recently announced the winners of the annual Air Force Art Contest. With more than 1,800 entries submitted by over 1,100 artists, it was clear creativity is in great supply at U.S. Air Force installations.
  • Airmen test resolve during Air Assault Assessment

    Cadres from the 820th Base Defense Group (BDG) evaluated approximately 37 Airmen during an Army Air Assault Assessment (AAA), January 28-31, here. The assessment measured Airmen’s readiness to determine who would be selected to attend the 10-day Army Air Assault School (AAS), at Fort Campbell, Ky. The BDG is one of the few units within the Air Force that sends their Airmen to AAS to enhance their personal readiness and also reinforce their unit’s lethal capabilities.
  • BDS strengthens airfield security capabilities

    The 823d Base Defense Squadron (BDS) conducted airfield security operations during adaptive base training, Jan. 28-29, 2018, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. The training was geared around bolstering the 823d BDS’s adaptive base readiness to give more autonomy at the squadron level, where Airmen improved their capabilities to effectively and efficiently on-load equipment along with more than 30 fully-equipped personnel into an aircraft, followed by off-loading into establishing airfield security.
  • AF helicopter ‘hard crew’ formula improves cohesion, mission

    In the realm of team sports where expectations and the stakes to win are high, teams rely on continuity and chemistry to maximize their effectiveness and propel them to the top. Utilizing a similar game plan, operating as a ‘hard crew’, a team of Moody’s HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter aircrew recently unified and flew every mission together at Avon Park Air Force Range, Fla., to enhance their Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) capabilities so they will perform at their peak when it matters the most— when lives are on the line.
  • JB Charleston serves as Hurricane Florence staging area

    Joint Base Charleston joined the relief efforts to help victims of Hurricane Florence by becoming a staging location for various rescue and relief units as of Sept. 14, 2018. The teams standing by for the efforts consisted of the 334th Air Expeditionary Group, the South Carolina and Pennsylvania Army National Guard Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Teams as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
  • Moody makes some noise during Diversity Day

    Team Moody hosted the 23d Wing Diversity Day, Sept. 14, 2018, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. Diversity Day honored the cultures of all groups and organizations observed by the Department of Defense using forms of expression such as poems and native dances. The theme of this year was ’Many Cultures, One Voice: Stronger Through Inclusion And Equality’.
  • Moody A-10 engine maintainers make history

    For the first time, Moody’s 23d Maintenance Squadron’s (MXS) propulsion flight accomplished an unprecedented feat by ensuring every TF34 engine in their fleet is repaired to serviceable status. This readiness level relinquishes the need for the flight to perform maintenance on their current A-10C Thunderbolt II engine assets. While they normally maintain the 74th and 75th Aircraft Maintenance Unit’s engines in support of Moody’s close-air support mission, the backshop will now centralize their TF34 repair efforts to assist other bases and Major Commands to include Reserve and National Guard units. This has allowed the 23d MXS to play a vital role in helping secure an Air Force-wide 200 percent ‘war-ready’ engine status, the highest in the TF34’s 40-year history.
  • Munitions flight performs 30mm processing, keeps A-10s shooting

    Airmen from the 476th and 23d Maintenance Squadron (MXS) performed a 30mm rounds processing, July 11, 2018, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. This total force integration training with the 23d and 476th MXS allowed Airmen to work together to identify more ways to efficiently and safely conduct their mission. The munitions flight ensures A-10C Thunderbolt IIs are armed with 30mm rounds to make sure they are able to continue their mission while at home station and deployed.
  • Loved ones welcome back 41st RQS

    Team Moody and loved ones welcomed back members of the 41st Rescue Squadron and 41st Helicopter Maintenance Unit during a redeployment ceremony, July 10, 2018, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. While deployed, the 41st RQS and 41st HMU provided combat search and rescue capabilities and maintenance operations in support of Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa.