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  • Baltimore C-STARS partnership prepares Airmen for battlefield medicine

    Civilian partnerships are a vital readiness resource for the Air Force Medical Service, refreshing medics on trauma skills and taking lessons learned to deliver life-saving trauma care downrange.The Center for the Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills program in Baltimore, Maryland, prepares

  • New Air Force health mobile app available for patients

    The Air Force Medical Service has launched a new mobile app to connect Airmen and patients to news and information about the AFMS. The new app is a mobile version of the AFMS website, and lets users customize their experience based on the Air Force military treatment facility (MTF) they use. This

  • PTSD treatment confronts the trauma behind the disorder

    Post-traumatic stress disorder is considered one of the “signature wounds” of the current conflicts in the Middle East. But many people may not know that there are highly effective treatments for this invisible wound being deployed at Air Force hospitals and clinics today. It’s normal to feel