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  • Trusted Care everywhere is not going anywhere

    As the Defense Health Agency assumes authority, direction and control of military treatment facilities, the Air Force Medical Service will remain steadfast on its Trusted Care journey towards higher reliability and Zero Harm.

  • New strategy charts Air Force Medicine course

    The Air Force Medical Service is in a time of transition, with new leadership, evolving readiness requirements and congressional mandates all affecting its future. To address these changes and provide guidance and direction to Airmen, AFMS leaders met in July to chart a way forward for the

  • A peek behind the curtain: Prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD

    Post-traumatic stress disorder can be debilitating, but there are therapies that can reduce symptoms, improve quality of life, and help Airmen return to duty.One of the most effective therapies, practiced by many Air Force mental health professionals, is prolonged exposure therapy.

  • Baltimore C-STARS partnership prepares Airmen for battlefield medicine

    Civilian partnerships are a vital readiness resource for the Air Force Medical Service, refreshing medics on trauma skills and taking lessons learned to deliver life-saving trauma care downrange.The Center for the Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills program in Baltimore, Maryland, prepares