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  • 82nd ATRS Detachment 1 trains using QF-16 Vipers at Holloman

    On clear and sunny days, the orange-winged QF-16 Vipers can be seen soaring through the sky… sometimes on their way to be shot down during an exercise. Det 1, at Holloman Air Force is a detachment from Air Combat Command's 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, who provide

  • CMSAF visits Holloman AFB, gets firsthand look at OAW support

    Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass received a first-hand look at Task Force-Holloman operations, which included touring the life support area housing service members temporarily deployed in support of the Operation Allies Welcome, the in-processing center, quality of life support, and