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  • CMSAF: Combat Ready

    Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force David A. Flosi details the importance of training and maintaining a combat ready posture within the Air Force. With the threats the force is faced with today and in the future, he suggests that a holistic approach to building 21st century warfighters puts the

  • DAF Safety announces updated guidance for maintenance NDAs

    As part of an ongoing effort to address aviation maintenance-related mishaps and provide authorized Air Force maintainers with privileged safety briefings, the Air Force Safety Center announced an update to how Privileged Safety Information training, also known as safety privilege training, and

  • AFIMSC releases 2024 year-in-review video

    The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center released its annual recap video on January 6. In 2024, the focus was on boosting combat support, Airmen's readiness, and improving power-projection platforms to align with the Air Force's reoptimization priorities in the Great Power Competition.