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  • CSAF letter to Air Force spouses

    Dear Air Force Spouses,Thank you for your courage and strength, and for being part of our Air Force family. Those in uniform are easily recognized for their service and sacrifices, but it’s you...the unsung heroes of our Air Force who sacrifice so much to support your family, the Air Force, and our

  • Airman crosses four decade threshold while deployed to the 332nd AEW

    Looking back 40 years is something many of us can do, however it’s a far more select group that can look back over a 40-year career. Chief Master Sgt. David R. Purtee enlisted in the U.S. Air Force April 25, 1981, at 17 years-of-age, from his hometown of Lancaster, Ohio.

  • AFW2 Behind the Scenes: The Family We Choose

    Family consists of the people that you are born to such as your mother, father, and siblings. Those ties are usually stronger than any other relationship throughout our lives, but the family that we choose can be just as strong as those we don’t choose. The Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) Program