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  • Compass call reshapes OIR battlefield with electronic warfare domination

    Often times when we think about how air power is used in the fight against ISIS, we think about cargo aircraft delivering critical supplies and personnel to the frontlines or bombs being dropped onto targets. What’s not often thought of is how the Air Force has the non-kinetic ability to disrupt

  • 68th Rescue Flight transitions to 68th Rescue Squadron

    As one of the only human based weapon systems in the Air Force, Guardian Angel must have highly trained personnel dedicated to the Air Force core function of Personnel Recovery. Guardian Angel is comprised of Combat Rescue Officers, Pararescuemen, and Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape

  • SERE meets SPEAR: Specialists convene for unique combative course

    Your transport aircraft has just crashed in a remote and hostile environment. You and only a handful of other troops have survived the crash. As you survey the surroundings, you notice a crowd of local inhabitants running toward the wreckage screaming wildly, with brows furrowed and fists clenched.

  • 355th Medical Group increases patient access through collaboration

    Patient access to care is a priority in military medicine; however, there are some military-wide obstacles to reaching patient access goals. Some consistent challenges to patient access are meeting health care personnel deployment requirements, permanent change of station cycles and recruiting