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  • Perimeter Patrols: 9th SFS provides base security on UTVs

    The 9th Security Forces Squadron conducts patrols of the base’s 26-mile perimeter on utility terrain vehicles (UTV) to help ensure the base is secure. They conduct at least three patrols every day. During the patrols they check for damage to the fence or any other signs of tampering. The off-road

  • AFIMSC Innovation Office seeks game-changing ideas

    The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Innovation Office launches a program in the new year to help Airmen implement their innovative ideas. The campaign, open Jan. 1-31, 2019, gives military and civilian members of mission support groups worldwide a chance to fund their ideas and

  • Airmen test limits at Ranger Assessment Course

    The Air Force Security Forces Center, one of AFIMSC’s subordinate units, hosted the Ranger Assessment Course 19-01. Twelve cadre instructors, all having been through the course and graduated Army Ranger School, as well as Army instructors, put the 29 students through the mind-numbing days and

  • Deployed security forces Airmen ensure safety of DOD assets at Bagram

    In a deployed environment, security forces Airmen perform a unique mission that differs from their traditional roles at home station. From patrolling the flightline in armored tactical vehicles to providing security for all personnel and Department of Defense assets going to austere locations in