July 12, 2020 Air Force building more inclusive culture through Dress and Appearance updates The changes, as outlined in an Air Force Guidance Memorandum dated July 1, 2020, include the removal of subjective language and other rules that may have been creating unintentional or unfair barriers for Air and Space Force uniformed members.
July 8, 2020 Department of Air Force stands up Diversity and Inclusion Task Force The task force is charged with identifying and changing policies, procedures, barriers and other practices that may be unfairly impacting underrepresented Air and Space professionals.
July 8, 2020 Federal employee survey helps civilians' voice be heard The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey will be available for Air Force civilian employees starting July 15. The approximately 100-question survey takes 20-to-30 minutes to complete and is anonymous.
May 1, 2020 SECAF tours Hill missions to view operational capabilities during pandemic Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett visited Hill Air Force Base April 30 in order to get a firsthand look at critical mission activities here and how the base was operating under current restrictions due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
March 31, 2020 Space Force identifies USAF missions for transfer to newest service In a significant step that enhances the U.S. Space Force’s capabilities and development, the Department of the Air Force has identified 23 U.S. Air Force organizations whose space-related missions will soon transfer to the Space Force.