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  • Weather you know it or not, weather does!

    It’s a rainy day on the flight line. Clouds are hovering low to the ground and the smell of rain lingers in the air. Some Airmen work on the runway while others are fighting to support the mission from behind a screen. A sound breaks across the base, “Lighting within five, take cover.”

  • Five Minutes to Thrive -- Please (Don't) Lie to Me!

    Who doesn’t love a good magic show? Magic performances give us the opportunity to let down our guard, suspend our disbelief, and be deceived for entertainment’s sake. When a magician successfully pulls off a trick, we do not criticize ourselves for being dumb or unobservant – our egos smooth things

  • Five Minutes to Thrive - Entropy & Resilience

    As we approach Groundhog’s Day, I am reminded of times during the previous year when I felt a loss of steam, or motivation to get things done. Below are some of the resilience tools that I found myself going back to time and again to pull myself together and achieve a modicum of order and

  • Preserving fighter pilot readiness through preventative care

    Preventive wellness programs are key to ensuring the longevity of a pilot’s career. During their day-to-day operations, fighter pilots undergo significant surges in G-force, which increases their likelihood for injuries. Ultimately, this can affect their ability to stay in the cockpit – decreasing

  • Swimming laps around the world

    She dives into the pool, as the cool water envelopes her body and she begins to feel weightless. She comes to the surface kicking and pulling, feeling the water begin to rush past her as she picks up speed until she’s at a full sprint… Preparation to be the fastest in the world has begun. “My mom