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  • Air Force integrates missions, strengthens information warfare capabilities

    In March 2019, Air Force leaders decided to create a new information warfare Numbered Air Force with enhanced missions and capabilities. Today, Sixteenth Air Force activated here, integrating Twenty-Fourth Air Force, to include Air Forces Cyber, and Twenty-Fifth Air Force into a single headquarters

  • Army GLOs enable joint combat power, battlefield safety

    The U.S. Department of Defense receives a significant amount of its intelligence from the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System, which simply put, is an enterprise of globally networked analysts and cyber professionals linked together by a global communications architecture.Although

  • Off-duty Airman responds to accident, assists injured

    When Staff Sgt. Daniel Pierce left his San Antonio home March 2, 2019, headed for Round Rock, he did not have plans beyond reaching his final destination. But when he saw a serious collision while passing through Austin, he did not hesitate to assist.

  • Intel and recruiting Airmen embark Fleet Week

    Airmen from the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 317th Recruiting Squadron and Air Force Recruiting Services attended Fleet Week Baltimore to meet and talk with the local community October 6, 2018 in Baltimore, Md. These Airmen were given a chance to speak with the local

  • AFCYBER move streamlines ACC warfighting efforts

    With the addition of 24th Air Force/Air Forces Cyber to Air Combat Command, new cyber outcomes are available to America's warfighting commanders. “We’re moving more and more toward multi-domain, hybrid warfare–using more than one domain to achieve warfighting objectives,” said Robert Cole, AFCYBER