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  • Team Phoenix inducts 42 new members

    “…I will faithfully uphold the Team Phoenix code of ethics, promote mutual respect, and help others in times of need. I promise to improve the culture around me and encourage my peers to do likewise. I take this obligation freely and I volunteer without reservation.” These words were repeated by 42

  • Chapel reinvigorates squadron care

    The foundation of readiness is taking care of people, and with annual military suicides rates remaining steady, the chapel recognized the need for change. After a deep-dive into the issue, U.S. Air Force Major Kevin Humphrey, 55th Wing chaplain, designed a two-phase approach.

  • NCO cross-trains to pursue career goals, personal fulfillment

    Many Airmen find themselves seeking an opportunity to change their career field during their enlistment, but the needs of the Air Force don’t always align with the desires of its Airmen. But, for one Airman, it did.Staff Sgt. Colin Owens, 49th Wing Chapel religious affairs Airman, knew early into

  • Hope after havoc

    Garcia-Gonzalez, a 49th Wing chaplain’s assistant, supported the humanitarian relief mission by going to different towns in Puerto Rico. They provided meals and water to those in need while also providing spiritual support to the local community with medical translations.