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  • Airman Uses Social Media to Prevent Suicide

    Social media has become one of the most prevalent ways to communicate with our friends, family and community. Many see it as way to keep up with the lives of those who they are separated from or as a way to blow off steam by watching funny cat videos or the late night videos of the guy who builds a

  • K-9 Veterans Day celebrated at Tyndall AFB

    Tyndall Air Force Base has worked tirelessly for the past 15 months to rebuild the base since the damage and destruction caused by a Category 5 hurricane in 2018. One of the biggest challenges Airmen and civilian employees face is getting back to a new normal. The 325th Security Forces Squadron’s

  • Protecting the force day in and day out

    It takes Airmen from every base and job to execute the deployed mission at Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates. This same concept applies to the 380th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron’s Force Protection unit, where Airmen from every Air Force specialty code to help carry out the mission.

  • Squadron revitalization leads to EPME changes

    The reenlistment and extension ineligibility requirement will be removed from the enlisted professional military education program effective March 15 according to Air Force officials.

  • Teaming-up to take down an invader

    Idaho is home to thousands of acres of grassland teaming with sage brush, slickspot peppergrass and wheatgrass, but one species is claiming this unique landscape as its own.