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Tag: energy
  • Calculating risk in the fuel supply chain, X-Force fellows help inform operational plans

    What’s the safest path to transport fuel from a refinery in Texas to storage in California? Does Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, have the pipeline capacity to sustain two weeks of operations after a storage disruption? What risk do cyber-attacks pose at a bulk storage terminal in Louisiana? X-Force Fellows assigned to Air Force Operational Energy at the Pentagon were tasked to answer these questions (among others) and develop a model to assess possible risk to the Air Force’s fuel supply chain.
  • Optimize aviation fuel? The Air Force wants your ideas

    In partnership with AFWERX, Air Force Operational Energy has launched an Airmen Powered by Innovation Challenge to solicit ideas on how to optimize aviation fuel for the Air Force, enabling greater combat capability, range, and more efficient operations. The challenge is open to Airmen of all ranks and occupations and is accepting submissions on a rolling basis.
  • Rapidly deployed digital tool advances energy in wargaming effort

    In a shortened timeline of 12 weeks, engineers from OSD's Cost Assessment and Evaluation Program (CAPE) augmented the modeling and simulation tool SWIFT (Standard Wargame Integration Facilitation Toolkit) to play the first joint wargame focused solely on energy and fuel logistics, the Joint Forces Energy Wargame (JFEW). The tool enabled deeper analysis and after-action reporting, which helped to identify critical energy challenges for the Air Force and Joint Operations.
  • Energy Action Month: AF Academy cadets optimize the future

    With Energy Action Month in full swing, cadets at the Air Force Academy are taking the initiative to learn how energy impacts the mission, and what Airmen can do to improve combat capability through optimized operations. Every October, the Air Force recognizes the national campaign as a way to highlight the importance energy plays in daily operations, and showcases ways to build an energy-smart force through innovative technologies, policies, best practices and data solutions.
  • Air Force Recognizes Energy Action Month 2019

    During Energy Action Month, the Air Force will emphasize the need for smart energy solutions and inform Airmen, Air Force senior leaders, policy makers and aligned organizations about what they can do to effectively distribute, generate and manage resilient and reliable energy across the enterprise.
  • Bringing defense planning into the 21st century through modern software

    For much of the defense community, the ease and functionality of modern technology is not translated to military planning systems. While cumbersome acquisitions processes, funding issues, and security concerns are often valid causes, many Department of Defense processes (and any software associated with them) cannot compete with the technology many Americans use regularly. In one corner the U.S. Air Force flies the most advanced aircraft in the world, yet in the other corner, Airmen use clunky spreadsheets and paper documents to analyze operations and mission plan.
  • AFIT students inform Pentagon energy initiative as part of new course

    As part of a newly offered course at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), a small group of students determined energy-optimized flying conditions for Air Force fighter relocation missions, which are also known as coronets. Their work is helping to inform a Pentagon-led initiative that seeks to increase the efficiency and combat capability of aircraft operations.
  • The Air Force is becoming more Agile – one project at a time

    The term ‘Agile’ has been on the lips of Department of Defense senior leaders with increasing frequency recently – often citing its importance for developing functional, innovative software that better equips the warfighter to respond to uncertain and ever-changing environments. While the private sector adopted Agile a long time ago, the DoD is just beginning to embed Agile methodology in acquisitions programs and other projects.
  • How the Air Force got smarter about its aviation fuel use in 2018

    Did you know the Air Force is the largest consumer of fuel in the Department of Defense? This may not surprise you, if say, you’ve ever watched a sortie of F-35s complete an aerial refueling, or witnessed a C-5 lift (seemingly) effortlessly into the sky. In fact, the Air Force consumes approximately 2 billion gallons of aviation fuel annually – which is about 81 percent of the total Air Force energy budget (with about 17 percent used for facilities and 2 percent for ground vehicles). Operational energy, or aviation fuel, is critical to mission success – but getting fuel to the warfighter involves complex logistical and technical challenges, intricate planning, and more importantly, poses safety risks to the troops transporting it. As the battlefield becomes increasingly multifaceted, energy resilience is a top concern for the Air Force, and optimized operations are an essential component to maintaining it.
  • NATO focuses on big data and artificial intelligence

    Members of the scientific and military communities from approximately 20 NATO countries came together to discuss leading developments in big data and artificial intelligence (AI) at the NATO Science and Technology Organization’s specialists meeting, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Military Decision Making, from May 30 – June 01, 2018 in Bordeaux, France. Deputy Asst. Secretary of the Air Force for Operational Energy, Roberto Guerrero, led the senior leader panel on June 01. Mr. Guerrero spoke of the importance of data collection and analysis for decision-making, while emphasizing the challenge his office faces in obtaining sufficient and accurate aviation fuel use and other operational data.