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  • TACP officer becomes F-16 pilot

    A convoy of Afghan Humvees makes its way down narrow roads in urban Afghanistan while escorting an Afghan Army Corps commander in the summer of 2016. From the rear, a Tactical Air Control Party officer witnesses a rocket-propelled grenade rip through the lead Humvee, as a gunner with a heavy machine

  • Nellis graduates first ever TACP FTU; advancing special warfare

    Staff Sgt. Nathan Fox and Airman 1st Class William Simmons, two Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) journeymen from the 6th Combat Training Squadron at Nellis, graduated from the Air Force’s first-ever TACP Formal Training Unit (FTU) April 8, 2021.

  • 12th Combat Training Squadron supports joint air-to-ground operations

    The 12th CTS, a geographically separated unit (GSU) of the 57th Operations Group at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, supports the U.S. Army National Training Center (NTC), where Fort Irwin trains Airmen and Soldiers to control, sustain and integrate in a realistic battle environment in order to

  • Exercise Zia Sun

    The 354th Fighter Squadron from Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona; 9th Air Support Operations Squadron from Fort Hood, Texas; 3rd ASOS, 7th ASOS, and 16th ASOS from Fort Bliss, Texas; 311th FS and 29th Attack Squadron from Holloman AFB, recently trained together in Exercise Zia Sun, at Centennial Range,

  • 74th FS pilots receive DFC

    Two Airmen received the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) May 23 in recognition of their actions in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.Maj. Matthew “Chowder” Cichowski and Capt. William “Archer” Dana both, 74th Fighter Squadron A-10C Thunderbolt II pilots, risked life and limb while deployed to