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  • REPI Challenge yields more than $24M for AF installations

    The Air Force Civil Engineer Center helped secure more than $24 million to protect mission readiness and the environment at three installations: White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico; Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina; and Tyndall AFB, Florida.

  • NTTR: Conservation through cooperation

    The NTTR and the 99th CES work closely with local, state, and federal environmental agencies to sustain the range while maintaining military capabilities. They employ teams of biologists, anthropologists and natural resource managers to ensure the impact on the range remains as minimally invasive as

  • Last refuges for declining, rare, endangered species

    “This area is perfect,” said Karen Terwilliger, a local environmental expert, as she pointed to a part of Langley Air Force Base’s shoreline that provides, not only a natural flood barrier, but a safe area for the Diamondback Terrapin Turtle, a declining species being surveyed at Langley AFB, to lay