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  • US facilitates Japan AOC C2 training

    Three years in the making, the 505th Training Squadron fulfilled a request by the government of Japan to assist with understanding how an air operations center plans and executes and how to build instructional standards to enable airpower at the operational level of war.

  • 7th Reconnaissance Squadron supports NATO's eastern flank operations

    The 7th Reconnaissance Squadron, a geographically separated unit under the 319th Reconnaissance Wing at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota, is the largest tenant command located at Naval Air Station Sigonella on the island of Sicily, Italy. The 7th RS includes over 190 personnel, from across

  • ShOC-N to host Industry Day, dynamic targeting focus

    The 805th Combat Training Squadron, also known as the Shadow Operations Center – Nellis, will host an Industry Day focusing on dynamic targeting and kill-chain automation experimentation on June 9, 2023, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.