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  • AFTAC hosts scouts for merit badge event

    On a sunny Saturday morning here on Florida’s Space Coast, 91 Scouts and Trailblazers descended on Patrick SFB to earn the Nuclear Science Merit Badge with the help of members of the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC). The annual event, hosted by members of AFTAC’s Radiochemistry Lab,

  • COMACC, Command Chief immerse into AFTAC mission

    For the first time since taking charge of Air Combat Command in February, ACC’s top general and enlisted leader traveled to Florida to visit the Air Force Technical Applications Center Dec. 5. Gen. Ken Wilsbach, ACC commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Dave Wolfe, ACC command chief, toured the

  • 39-year-old Airman with doctorate arrives at AFTAC

    In October 2022, however, Flight 039 from Squadron 433 had a particularly unusual trainee report for BMT:  a 39-year-old former college professor with a Ph.D. in Kinesiology. Trainee Ryan Miskowiec reported for duty after temporarily saying goodbye to his wife and four children who remained in Baton

  • Breaking Ground for Fallen Airmen

    Since 1947, the mission of long range detection has been the responsibility of what is now known as the Air Force Technical Applications Center, and over the course of those 75 years, 81 Airmen – civilian and military alike – have died while in active government service. AFTAC alumni are leading a