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  • Brazil leads Air Component in PANAMAX 2018

    U.S. service members from the 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) and the 612th Air and Space Operations Center participated in the U.S. Southern Command PANAMAX 2018 exercise July 30 – Aug. 10 alongside members from 12 partner nations.The Brazilian Air Force Chief of Joint Air Operations Center,

  • US Airmen teach aircraft recovery to Chilean Air Force partners

    Twelfth Air Force (Air Forces Southern) sent a Mobile Training Team to Chile to conduct training with the Chilean Air Force on Crash Damaged Disabled Aircraft Recovery. The CDDAR Mobile Training Team consisted of four seasoned crew chiefs who have experience being an aircraft crash team chief. The

  • New Horizons Embedded Health Engagement provides unparalleled training

    As with most tasks, hands-on education remains one of the most effective training methods of both learning and maintaining skills. For some medical professionals participating in Exercise New Horizons 2018, hands-on training comes in the form of fully submerging into local clinics.

  • Honduran, U.S. volunteers conduct underground search and rescue training

    Nearly a dozen Honduran Personal Utilizado en Misiones Contra Incendio y Rescate – Personnel Used in Fire and Rescue (PUMCIR) volunteers and seven U.S. Air Force Airmen assigned to Joint Task Force-Bravo at Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, conducted a search and rescue exercise in Comayagua National