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  • NCOs team up for 363 ISRW INTEND ‘22 Leadership Symposium

    Three months ago, one senior NCO at the 363d Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing began to brainstorm with the goal to solve problems within the Wing. Over the course of a few months, this idea molded into the INTEND Leadership Symposium. INTEND 2022, which was held July 11-15, 2022,

  • Continuous Process Improvement bears fruit

    The investment in Airmen’s ideas through a Continuous Process Improvement event this past January has Moody’s propulsion team displaying measurable improvements in the timeliness and effectiveness of supporting the A-10C Thunderbolt II’s increased flying mission.Over the last seven months, The 23d

  • Gunfighters seek innovation through CPI

    The 366th Force Support Squadron manpower team is leading courses to find innovative ways to maximize resources and increase efficiency in areas concerning people, money and time.