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  • Col George Day advanced to the rank of brigadier general

    Medal of Honor recipient Col. George “Bud” Day was posthumously advanced to the rank of brigadier general during a Heritage to Horizons summer concert series at the Air Force Memorial in Arlington, Virginia, June 8, 2018.

  • AF selects 472 in chief, 17E9 promotion cycle; list to post Dec. 7

    The Air Force Chief Evaluation Board has selected 472 senior master sergeants for promotion to chief master sergeant out of 2,142 eligible for a selection rate of 22.04 percent. The chief master sergeant promotion list will be available on the Air Force Portal and myPers Dec. 7 at 8 a.m. CST. Airmen

  • Colonel promotes wife, performs last official duty in AF before retiring

    Family is often an integral part of military promotion ceremonies. Spouses, children, parents, siblings and other relatives witness the time-honored ceremony and take part in the tradition of pinning or tacking on the next rank. For Col. Kristine B. Smith, 710th Combat Operations Squadron deputy

  • Squadron revitalization leads to EPME changes

    The reenlistment and extension ineligibility requirement will be removed from the enlisted professional military education program effective March 15 according to Air Force officials.